Hotel vs B&B or Guest House?

Where's the difference? B&Bs and Guest houses are usually smaller than hotels, they can accommodate less people and they offer a limited set of amenities.

B&Bs and Guest houses are mainly family businesses, not employing permanent staff and not offering a reception desk or a concierge. By contrast, hotels are operating around the clock, employing full time staff, with dedicated roles and functions. Depending on your personal preferences with the help of our search engine you will be able to find suitable accommodation options at a great price!

hotel room

Best Hotel Deals

Various amenities, luxury, loyalty programs, special deals...

In order to find the right hotel ask yourself: What matters most? Affordable prices, special amenities, convenient location, amicable staff or is here something else?

Do not look at the prices only! Take into consideration at least refund options, ratings, reviews and location.

And with the help of an advanced search engine you will be able to find the most suitable hotel rooms at a great price!

rural breakfast

Best B&Bs and Guest Houses

Local flavor and ambiance, eco-friendliness, real life experience...

There's a lot what a small B&B or a Guest House can offer its guests beyond a homemade breakfast or a cozy bedroom.

You will be able to feel the local flavor and to understand local people and customs much better (especially if you are a bit acquainted with the language of the country), avoiding the big hotel chains.

An advanced search engine will help you to find the most desirable rooms in B&Bs and Guest Houses at the best prices!